Vydání Sophos Enterprise Console 5.5.2
Společnost Sophos uvádí novou verzi Sophos Enterprise Console 5.5.2. Všem zákazníkům doporučujeme aktualizaci na tuto verzi.
Co nového přináší?
- Compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 level AA
- Accessible using JAWS (Job Access With Speech) and NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access)
- Multi-factor authentication
- Sophos Credential Store
- Retirement of Crystal Reports – replaced with Microsoft Report Viewer
- Sophos Reporting Interface improvements
- Changes to Role Based Administration (RBA)
- Update to Discover Computers option
- Support for Windows Server 2019
- Hide computer feature

- SQL Express 2017 for new installations
- .Net Framework v4.7.2 for all instances where no existing .Net Framework v4.7.2 is detected
- SQL Server Native Client 11 for all instances where no existing SQL Server Native Client 11 is detected
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable for all instances where no existing Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable is detectected
Následující problémy zákazníků byly vyřešeny:
- ONPREM-4075: Wrong SED policy is sent from SEC after upgrading to SEC 5.5.1
- ONPREM-4862: Enhanced Tamper Protection prevents migration using Thin Installer
- ONPREM-4079: SEC 5.5.1 – Linux/Unix and MAC Exclusions editing exclusion opens a blank text box
- ONPREM-4107: Same path resolved to multiple normalized paths leads to errors in SEC installation
- ONPREM-4078: SEC 5.5.1 – Exclusions not alphabetical in any of the settings
- ONPREM-3566: Cannot save custom extensions for scheduled scans. Existing custom extensions crash the console
- ONPREM-4126: ExportConfig\ConfigCID SAU policy export behavior
- ONPREM-1625: SEC – Pre-req check not behaving as expected (LTSB is not present in OsSupportedTable)
- ONPREM-1430: SEC – AD sync not protecting machines that have a logonCount of 0
Více informací naleznete ZDE.